SUS owns, operates and maintains the electrical distribution system at Fort Bragg through a privatization contract. Utility Privatization is defined as the conveyance of a utility system to a private or cooperative utility company or other entity. The conveyance may consist of all right, title, and interest of the United States in the utility system(s), accomplished in accordance with 10 U.S.C 2688 – Utility Systems Conveyance Authority. The intention of privatization is to reduce the Government’s life cycle costs. Privatization includes all management, supervision, permits, equipment, supplies, materials, transportation, and any other items or services required for the complete ownership. SUS considers privatization more like a 50-year partnership with Fort Bragg to own, manage, plan, construct, operate, maintain, repair, design and improve the electrical system at lower costs and increased reliability.
Operations Maintenance
SUS is ready to face the challenges of the future to make informed decisions for the electrical system at Fort Bragg. Preventing failures before they happen, avoiding failures, and monitoring of the electrical system are key components of operations. When storms strike, and homes and businesses at Fort Bragg are without power, SUS trucks are a welcome sight. SUS is well known for fast and quality storm response. SUS’ linemen are the first to arrive and the last to leave until damaged power systems are repaired. SUS also performs routine maintenance on all electrical distribution equipment to prevent equipment failures which also cause disruption of electrical power.
Since 1991, October has been Energy Awareness Month. SUS is committed to promoting efficiency and supporting clean energy projects. Energy security and sustainability is important to SUS. For the Army to accomplish their mission, it depends on secure, uninterrupted access to power. SUS has energy strategies for the future to promote energy efficiency. SUS collects energy usage data to measure progress and track results, which is an important aspect of energy awareness.
Utility Energy Service Contracts
Storm Doors & Windows
As part of their toolbox, SUS has capabilities to aid in energy conservation by installing energy efficient storm doors and windows. SUS’ goals for Utility Energy Service Contracts are to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency.
Electricity Lighting
Another energy reduction area that SUS can support is to bring advanced technology in the planning and design of electrical system lighting. New buildings, structures and major renovations will be planned, budgeted, designed and built with a commitment to reduced energy consumption and energy efficiency.