Utility Engineering
To keep the lights on at Fort Bragg, SUS has engineered a proficient network of equipment and technology with the future goal of a fully automated distribution system, or smart grid. Risk management, safety and electrical system reliability are the major focuses of utility engineering today. SUS’s engineering staff consists of energy and electric utility professionals focused on current and emerging utility issues, design and construction best practices, strategic planning, maintenance practices, operations management, outage management, and distribution automation.
Electrical system planning at Fort Bragg is an ongoing dynamic function of the utility engineering department. The planning department maintains electric system models that provide real-time planning capabilities for load flow and short circuit studies, demand forecasting, distribution system protective device coordination, and voltage optimization. The planning department provides analytics that allow for improved power quality, better fault isolation and service restoration technology. Enhancing quality of electric service through improved outage restoration, utility monitoring and control systems, and underground conversions to minimize wind and storm exposure has been instrumental to increasing reliability at Fort Bragg.
SUS is actively involved in the design process with both the Corp of Engineers and Fort Bragg DPW for all new construction projects. Since the electrical system at Fort Bragg is maintained in a geographical information system (GIS) database, the design professionals of SUS engineer most jobs utilizing automated staking software integrated with the GIS to provide adequate lighting, properly size equipment and cable, and ensure safe and efficient electrical connectivity to new projects at Fort Bragg.
SUS employs professionals who provide a complete range of electrical installation services including overhead and underground installation, line and facility upgrades, line relocations, and all electrical construction to ensure reliable service to the end user. We provide project and construction management that coordinates directly with SUS’ engineering resources.